Friday, September 9, 2011
8:30am - 4:30pm
Sutter Health University
2700 Gateway Oaks Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95833
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Foster Cline, Child Psychiatrist and Co-founder of the Love and Logic Institute, will address handling refusals to take medication, strategies for preventing arguments and avoiding power struggles, promoting responsibility without nagging or lecturing and enabling children to make good self care decisions.
Lisa Greene, Co-author of Parenting Children with Health Issues is a parent of two children with cystic fibrosis who will speak on her professional and personal experience with this topic.
Class is open to parents, caregivers and clinicians working with children with chronic health issues.
Breakfast, lunch and class materials are included.
Sponsored by Sutter Health and Electromed.
Register at:, or call (916) 262-9154.
Registration fee $20.00