Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crayola Undersea Adventures Color Stories

Our boys need extra practice with fine motor control and following directions so I thought the Crayola Undersea Adventures would also be a great addition to our ocean theme.

The package came with 4 coloring books, 4 individual boxes of crayons, and the DVD.  This allowed for little sister to join in.  

We moved our table so the kids could see the television while they had fun.  We actually split this activity up over 3 sessions.  The DVD & coloring book have 3 stories and each one was just about the right length of time for our kiddos.  

I LOVE Crayola's website for resources as well!

Killer Whale Costumes

I search (more like scour the web into the wee hours of the morning) for hands-on activities to help "lock" the learning in through experience.  I found many great activities to do with the children related to our ocean theme in August at:  Sea World Classroom Activities.

The boys LOVED the "Baby Shamu Suit"!  They were able to identify the dorsal fin, as well as the fluke.  It was also lunch time and what do killer whales eat?  Fish!  So we made grilled cheese sandwiches and cut them out with our fish shaped cookie cutter.  I have never seen the boys eat their sandwiches so fast! 

Here are a few pictures of them enjoying their "fish".


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

This is our {sweet boy} James after enjoying some Cool Whip.  Due to his sensory processing disorder and cleft palate, he prefers foods that are mushy.  Also, the bigger the mess he can make, the better.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Parenting Children with Health Issues - NEW LOCATION

Friday, September 9, 2011
8:30am - 4:30pm
Sutter Health University
2700 Gateway Oaks Blvd., Sacramento, CA  95833

Guest Speakers:  
Dr. Foster Cline, Child Psychiatrist and Co-founder of the Love and Logic Institute, will address handling refusals to take medication, strategies for preventing arguments and avoiding power struggles, promoting responsibility without nagging or lecturing and enabling children to make good self care decisions.   

Lisa Greene, Co-author of Parenting Children with Health Issues is a parent of two children with cystic fibrosis who will speak on her professional and personal experience with this topic.  

Class is open to parents, caregivers and clinicians working with children with chronic health issues. 
Breakfast, lunch and class materials are included.
Sponsored by Sutter Health and Electromed.  
Register at:, or call (916) 262-9154.
Registration fee $20.00

Just in Time for Christmas

Family and Friends, Since we started our foster/adoptive parenting journey 20 years ago, we have discovered a lot about raising children wit...