Around the different holidays I scour some of my favorite websites looking for activities to do with my children. Since our children are younger and have special needs, I prefer activities that are multi-sensory.
Our Stovepipe Hats:
1. Long piece of construction paper cut in half lengthwise, then rolled up and attached. |
2. Trace two circles on another piece of black construction paper (inner circle should be the same size as the top of the hat). |
3. Starting at the center of the inner circle cut circle in eighths then fold pieces back. |
Glue to top piece. |
Johnathan |
James |
Amada (looking a little like the mad-hatter) |
Alex |
Here are a few links of some of the activities I discovered:
Here is a coloring page of Washington and Lincoln (from Crayola).
KidsSoup President's Day Activities & Printables
Want to build a log cabin out of pretzel logs?
How about reading Abe Lincoln's Hat then making your own hat?
Abraham Lincoln Alphabet Code
Abraham Lincoln: Printable Early Reader Book
Penny Coloring Page (Abraham Lincoln)
Quarter Coloring Page (George Washington)
George Washington: Printable Early Reader Book
George Washington Alphabet Code
First-school President's Day Ideas (Preschool/Kindergarten Activities & Crafts)
February Calendar Connections: Presidents and blog post from 1+1+1=1
For your older children:
Abraham Lincoln: A Printable Book for Fluent Readers
George Washington: A Printable Book for Fluent Readers
Another favorite website of mine is Homeschool Share. Here is their President's Day Lapbook.