Sunday, February 19, 2012

President's Day Activities

Around the different holidays I scour some of my favorite websites looking for activities to do with my children.  Since our children are younger and have special needs, I prefer activities that are multi-sensory.

Our Stovepipe Hats:

1.  Long piece of construction paper
cut in half lengthwise, then rolled
up and attached.

2.  Trace two circles on another piece of black
construction paper (inner circle should be the
same size as the top of the hat).

3.  Starting at the center of the inner circle
cut circle in eighths then fold pieces back.

Glue to top piece.
 And the President is...


(looking a little like the mad-hatter)

Here are a few links of some of the activities I discovered:
Here is a coloring page of Washington and Lincoln (from Crayola).
KidsSoup President's Day Activities & Printables
Want to build a log cabin out of pretzel logs?
How about reading Abe Lincoln's Hat then making your own hat?
Abraham Lincoln Alphabet Code
Abraham Lincoln: Printable Early Reader Book
Penny Coloring Page (Abraham Lincoln)
Quarter Coloring Page (George Washington)
George Washington: Printable Early Reader Book
George Washington Alphabet Code
First-school President's Day Ideas (Preschool/Kindergarten Activities & Crafts)
February Calendar Connections: Presidents and blog post from 1+1+1=1

For your older children:
Abraham Lincoln: A Printable Book for Fluent Readers
George Washington: A Printable Book for Fluent Readers
Another favorite website of mine is Homeschool Share. Here is their President's Day Lapbook.

1 comment:

  1. Hy, there. Just stumbled across your blog while doing a quick research about cerebral palsy on the web. Great blog, I wish you guys all the best.


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