Sunday, August 5, 2012

Moments to Remember

Moments to Remember was developed as a simple way to look back on our week as homeschoolers and find photos that encompass the memories we want to remember. 
The week may have been tough, there may have been more bumps than smiles, but in the end these are the moments that keep us going, the ones we need to remember.

Although we haven't "officially" started school, we are still learning.  We school year round with the exception of the months July and December.  During that time we enjoy family vacations and holidays, although we never stop learning.  

Over the last couple of weeks we have been reading Treasure Island (I bought this one in the dollar section at Target).  This week we decided to really get into character and make pirate hats.  


We had another big change in our family a month ago.  We adopted a black lab puppy named Smiley from a local Labrador Retriever rescue group.  We are currently training her to be a service dog for our boys.  She is doing considerably well so far.  She responds very well to her commands and fits in nicely with our family.  

This is her size now, only a month after the above picture was taken.  She was at the vet getting more shots.  She wanted to play with the other puppies who were there, but eventually just laid down and waited her turn.  We can't wait until she has her final set of shots so we can start her training in public.  

Stay tuned for more updates on Smiley's progress as we train her to be a service dog for our boys.  

This is a link up with Homeschool Creations.  


If you are on Instagram, feel free to follow us: diverginglives. 

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