Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Growth Hormone Injections: The Beginning

We were informed a couple of months ago that James, 7 years old, would need to go on daily injections for growth hormones.  He takes Depakote for seizures which probably interferes with his body's natural production of growth hormones.  This poor boy has not gained weight in over a year, and had actually lost 3 pounds at one point.  He has not outgrown clothes, shoes, and jackets like you would normally expect children to do.  Johnathan, who is a full year younger than James, has outgrown James both in height and weight.

It took a little over a month for the authorization from the insurance, shipping of the medication to our home, as well as the doctor's office training me (mom) in giving the injections.  Out of all of our children,  I am glad it was James because he is not afraid of needles and is such a brave boy!  He loves to help get the alcohol swab out of the box and open the packet.  Of course he loves the attention of the other children also, who all want to watch.  We have been giving him the injections for 3 weeks now and he has already gained 3 pounds and grown 1/4" taller.  I am amazed!  We follow up with the doctor at the 3 month point and I can't wait to see James' growth.

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