Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Growth Hormone Injections: Three months

I wanted to give you an update on how things are going with the growth hormones.  First of all, James is doing wonderfully with having injections daily.  He is such a trooper.  I believe it helps that I allow him to be a part of the process.  His job is to get the alcohol swab out, open it, choose the injection site (leg or abdomen), then clean the skin.  I ask him if he is ready before I give the injection, then count to three.

Here are the growth results after 3 months of injections. Drum roll please...

Beginning weight: 46.1 lbs               Current weight: 50.3 lbs
Beginning height: 47.1 inches           Current height: 48.2 inches

That's right.  He grew 1.1 inches and gained 4 pounds!  He went from the 19th percentile to the 35th percentile!  We are very pleased.  He will continue on the same dose for the next 3 months, then he will have lab work drawn and return for another set of measurements.

On the downside, he has shown an increase in aggression and a couple of nights he had difficulty falling asleep.  We did have to increase one of his medications that helps with the aggression.  Just this past weekend we also noticed him blinking his eyes more rapidly.  We are taking every precaution to make sure he is not having break-through seizures.  The neurologist ordered bloodwork and a 24-hour EEG (he was due for another one anyways).  Once the results of these tests are back we will regroup.

For now we are rejoicing with the fact that he is finally growing!!


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